3W Panel + Wire for Backyarder

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3W Panel + Wire for Backyarder


Unfortunately, we are sold out of 3W panels at this time. Please sign up for product updates on our home page to be notified when we have more stock. Thank you in advance and take care.

3W Solar panel and cable, with adapter, for Backyard Henlight System.

If missing just the adaptor, please buy an off the shelf version here: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2897?gclid=CjwKCAjwgqbpBRAREiwAF046JZjwHPS0Lq9jCijNtUjJZzUbCglwvbh35S-yeA7tz6gyMe8P8-FcMBoCGJ8QAvD_BwE

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3W Solar panel and cable, with adapter, for Backyard Henlight System